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Giant Betta Fish

Welcome to our Giant Betta Fish page! We are so excited to offer this rare and exciting pet fish! These bettas are just like traditional betta fish, except larger. If bred properly, these bettas are healthy and live the same life span as normal size betta fish

Giant Betta Fish FAQ

What Are Giant Betta Fish?

Wild Giant betta fish are scientifically called Betta anabatoides. They belong to the gourami family and the Macropdusinae subfamily. These rare fish live in freshwater and are native to Indonesian Borneo.

Typically Giant bettas are selectively bred by choosing the largest male and female of Betta splendens type available and breeding them. This selective breeding creates Giant betta fish. These betta fish are often less aggressive than standard Siamese fighting fish, but this isn’t always the case. 

Where Do Giant Betta Fish Come from? 

Wild Giants come from Indonesian Borneo. The original Betta splendens Giant bettas were first bred in Thailand, but are now bred and raised all over the world.

What is the History of the Giant Betta?

While there is a type of wild Giant betta fish, most hobbyists are looking for Betta splendens giants that are bred to be gorgeous and large pet fish. The original Giant bettas are believed to have been created in Thailand by three betta breeders that dubbed themselves “Team Giant.” This team consisted of Athapon Ratanapichad, Natee Ratanapichad, and Wasan Sattayapun. In 1999, the Ratanapichads noticed a male green fighter plakat betta that was larger than the other fish on their farm in Thailand. This male was bred to the largest female betta they had available. It took Team Giant about 5 generations to achieve 3-inch long bettas in about ⅕ of the fry. 

What Is the Difference Between a King Betta and a Giant Betta?

King betta fish (betta imbellis) are normal sized bettas. Giant bettas are true to their name and grow 3 to 5 inches long or more. 

What Colors Do Giant Betta Fish Come in?

Giant betta fish come in a wide variety of colors. Most often they are multicolored which means that they have more than two colors. These colors can be any combination of red, blue, purple, green, turquoise, yellow, white, orange, brown, and black. Some colors are iridescent or have a metallic hue to them.

How Do Betta Fish Get Their Color?

Modern pet betta are bright and colorful, but how is this possible? Wild betta fish, especially the males have pigmentation and color, but their colors tend to be dull and lack the vibrancy of Betta splendens. It all comes down to a great knowledge of genetics and good breeding. You need to find a betta pair that can blend their genetic traits to achieve the color(s) you are looking for. 

Can Male Giant Bettas Live Together?

Even though these fish tend to be more docile, males should still be kept separate. You can house them with a number of other non-aggressive fish. 

What Are Good Companion Fish for Giant Betta Fish?

Just because Giant bettas may be less aggressive than other bettas, it doesn’t mean they can intermingle with any other fish. Here are some good tank mate options for Giant bettas:

  1. Peaceful Community Fish: Opt for peaceful community fish that won't harass or provoke the betta. 

  • Tetras - neon tetras, cardinal tetras, etc
  • Rasboras
  • Corydoras catfish
  • Dwarf gouramis
  • Guppies
  • Small rasboras like harlequin rasboras
  • Cherry or rosy barbs

  1. Bottom Dwellers: Bottom-dwelling fish can occupy the lower levels of the tank, reducing the likelihood of conflict with the betta.

  • Corydoras catfish
  • Kuhli loaches
  • Otocinclus catfish
  • Bristlenose, rubber lip pleco, or other dwarf plecostamus (be cautious as common plecos grow to well over 1 foot  and can produce a lot of waste)

  1. Small Non-Nippy Fish: Avoid fish that may nip at the betta's fins, which could cause stress or injury.

  • Endler's livebearers
  • Celestial pearl danios
  • Ember tetras
  • White cloud mountain minnows

Always be sure to monitor your betta’s tank closely when adding other fish. 

What Are Good Tank Mates for Giant Bettas?

Other than the potential companion fish listed above, there are some other aquatic creatures that can live peacefully with betta fish. These include:

  • African dwarf frogs
  • Aquatic snails - Nerite snails, Mystery snails, etc
  • Shrimp - Ghost Shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus), Cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, (be aware that your Giant betta may see your shrimp as food)

Keep a close eye on your betta’s aquarium for at least the first couple of weeks after adding new tank mates. 

How to Tell the Difference Between Male Giant Bettas and Female Giant Bettas?

Female Giants tend to be calmer than males and are more likely to be able to live together peacefully than male Giants. Their bodies are smaller, with a wider body shape and shorter fins. Their colors may not be as vibrant as males and, in general, females are less showy. Males are larger than females and tend to be more ornate with vivid colors and larger, extravagant fins and tails.  

How Big Are Giant Betta Fish?

These large bettas usually grow about 3 to 5 inches long. However, these amazing tropical fish have been known to grow up to 7 inches long!

What Size Tank Does a Giant Betta Need?

We recommend a 5 gallon tank for a single Giant betta fish. Choose at least a 10 gallon tank if you are considering a few companion fish.

How Long Do Giant Betta Fish Live?

Giant betta fish live about 2 to 3 years. They tend to have a slightly shorter lifespan than standard betta fish but can live up to about 5 years if they have excellent care and are well-bred. 

Do Betta Fish Sleep?

Betta fish do sleep but in a different way than humans. Their eyes never blink, let alone close. Their eyes don’t shut because they don’t have eyelids; they don’t need them. Their bodies and brains are mostly shut down. However, they are still awake enough to quickly respond to a threat. This restful period of about 12 to 14 hours each day occurs primarily at nighttime, but your betta may catch some zzz’s during the day too.   

Where to Buy Giant Betta Fish

Order Giant Betta Fish online at JV Betta. Our family-owned and operated pet betta fish store is located in the United States. We ship nationwide from the state of Florida. We love our rare betta fish and sending them to their new loving homes. We pack and ship your special pet with care right to your home. Order your very own Giant betta fish for sale online today and have it shipped right to your doorstep!

Giant Betta Fish Care FAQ

How to Care for Giant Betta Fish

Other than the need for a larger tank and more food, Giant betta fish require the same care as other betta fish. 

Choose a tank that is at least 5 gallons and a water heater that keeps the temperature between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit (~24 to 28 degrees Celcius). Water should always be treated with a water conditioner before being added to the tank. Keep the tank clean and healthy for your Giant betta with routine cleanings. Feed your fish once or twice daily with high-quality food. Offer your tropical fish at least one piece of smooth decor or a plant that it can rest in/on. Read more information on Betta Fish Care.

What Do Giant Betta Fish Eat? 

These big bettas eat the same diet as standard bettas. They can be fed premium protein pellets or flakes and fresh, freeze-dried, or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, fruit flies, and mealworms. Always be sure your live foods are from a reputable source and free from chemicals, parasites, and bacteria.

How Much to Feed Giant Bettas

Not only do these pet fish grow larger than regular betta fish, they tend to grow almost twice as quickly when they are young. So a 4 month old Giant betta is likely to be about the size of an 8 month old standard betta. These fish need more food too. They will consume almost twice as much as traditional bettas. For example, if you feed pellets where you would normally feed 4 or 5 to your adult betta, an adult Giant betta will need 8 to 10 pellets or pieces of food. Never overfeed your betta. Bettas eat quickly. If you notice leftover food after a couple of minutes cut back on how much you are feeding your betta. Feed once or twice daily on a consistent schedule.

When to Feed Giant Betta Fish

If you are wondering when to feed your betta fish, think about wild bettas. They eat when they find food and can go for long periods without eating. They didn’t sit down to daily, scheduled meals. So choose a time that is convenient for you. While you don’t have to feed your betta at the same time every day, it may help to get your betta into a routine to have a more successful feeding time. While many betta owners feed their bettas once daily, feeding pet Giant bettas 2 or even 3 times a day can help reduce the risk of constipation. Allowing your betta to fast for 24 hours once weekly or every other week can also help promote proper digestion and reduce the chance of constipation.   

What Type of Water Should I Use for My Betta?

Tap water that is treated with a water conditioner that removes chlorine, chloramine, and heavy metals is best for a betta’s aquarium. Spring water can also be a good choice as long as it meets the correct pH parameters and contains minerals similar to tap water. Distilled and purified (bottled) water should not be used because it is absent of minerals and nutrients. Clean uncontaminated well water may be a good option, but well water can be contaminated with toxic runoff and even parasites. We suggest having your well water tested if you want to use it for your betta’s aquarium. 

What Is the Best Water Temperature for Bettas?

Although many betta experts will differ by a degree or so on the best water temperature for bettas, they will all agree that betta fish are tropical fish and, therefore, need to have their water temperature on the warm side. 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 24 to 28 degrees Celcius, is the ideal water temperature range for bettas.

Do Bettas Need a Heater?

Yes, bettas are tropical fish and, as such, they require consistently heated water to be at their best health. A basic aquarium heater that is recommended for the size of your tank is inexpensive and perfect for keeping your fish’s water within the ideal temperature parameters. 

What Are the Ideal Water Parameters for My Giant Betta Fish?

Several factors determine the best water parameters for bettas. These include temperature, pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and water hardness. 

Temperature: 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit (~24 to 28 degrees Celcius)

pH: 6.5 - 7.5

Ammonia: 0 ppm 

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: less than 20 ppm

Water hardness: GH: 50 to 66.7 ppm; KH 53.6 to 89.4 ppm

Do Bettas Need a Filter?

Bettas can live without a filter in their tank. However, a filter will keep their water cleaner and safer for your bettas. Filters promote a healthier tank by cleaning the water, promoting beneficial bacteria, and adding oxygen to the water. Utilizing a filter will also reduce the maintenance requirements for your tank and save you time.

Read - How Long Can A Betta Fish Live Without A Filter?

What Are the Light Requirements for Giant Bettas?

Betta fish do not like overly bright light but enjoy natural lighting. Your pet’s lighting should mimic a normal daytime/nighttime pattern similar to how the fish would experience light in the wild. Your betta fish’s lighting should point away from its favorite hiding spots as they do prefer darker spots to sleep and rest. 

Do Giant Betta Fish Like Plants?

Betta fish like having live plants and even fake plants in their aquarium. Plants offer your fish a place to hide or rest. Live plants can also help filter your fish’s water and keep it cleaner than a tank without live plants. 

Read - What Live Plants Are Good For Betta Fish?

What Plants Are Safe for Giant Bettas?

There are many live aquatic plants to choose from when it comes to adding them to your fish’s aquarium. Just be sure that the plants you chose will thrive in your betta’s light setup. Some plants that we recommend for betta fish are Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum), Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus), Anacharis/water weed (Elodea), Anubias (Anubias barteri), Banana Plant (Nymphoides Aquatica), Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus), Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana), Marimo Moss Ball (Aegagropila linnaei), Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala), Vallisneria, Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides), and Water Wisteria (Hygrophilia difformis)

How to Breed Giant Betta Fish

You will need 2 tanks or a large tank with a divider. Choose a quiet location with minimal traffic. The tank should either have a very gentle filter or no filter at all to avoid disturbing the bubble nest. 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 26 degrees Celcius) is the optimal temperature for breeding bettas. The tank bottom should be kept bare. Be sure there are a couple of hiding places for your fish to go to. Some males prefer a leaf or some type of floating decor to build their bubble nest under. Slowly introduce your male and female to be sure there isn’t any unwanted aggression.

If you are breeding Betta anabatoides, note that they are mouthbrooders. The pair will breed and the eggs will drop to the bottom of the tank. The male and female will pick up the eggs and put them in the male’s mouth. Betta splendens make bubble nests that the eggs are laid or placed on. With both types of Giants, the males will care for the eggs and fry until they are ready to be released, which is usually 7 to 10 days. 

Read more about Pregnant Betta Fish 

Indian almond leaf extract is an excellent natural water conditioner to use with breeding and stressed or sick fish.

Do Giant Bettas Have Any Health Problems?

Giant betta fish can experience any of the health problems that standard-size bettas encounter. 

The most common issue in Giants is constipation. So, beware of overfeeding your pet fish even when he acts hungry. You can help prevent gastrointestinal issues by offering your Giant betta live daphnia and brine shrimp. Adding Indian Almond Leaf to your fish’s tank can also help to keep them healthy and happy. If you think your betta may be constipated, withhold food for a full 24 hours. Adding aquarium salt to your betta’s aquarium may also help relieve constipation. Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 to 7 gallons of water. Mix the salt with either conditioned tap water or with some of the existing tank water before putting it in your fish’s aquarium.