
Koi Betta Fish
What is a Koi Betta Fish?
A koi betta is a variant of a marble betta. Marble bettas have color changing genes that give them their distinctive marbled look.This marble betta fish has beautiful fins and speckled color combinations that make it look similar to a koi fish. The koi betta fish requires minimum care and is known to have a calm temperament.
What is the Difference Between a Koi and Betta Fish?
Koi is a type of marble Siamese fighting fish. This betta fish has no relation to the actual koi fish, which is a type of carp that can grow significantly larger than a betta fish. While a koi betta fish only reaches a mature size between 2 and 3 inches, a koi fish can reach between 2 and 3 feet given appropriate space and care.
Where Can I Buy a Koi Betta Fish for Sale?
Where to get koi betta fish? Buy live koi bettas at our online tropical fish store. JV Betta is a family owned and operated online betta fish shop. We carry a variety of betta fish for sale including our beautiful and exotic koi bettas. Our premium halfmoon plakat koi betta fish for sale are healthy pet fish that are ready for their new, loving homes. We have male koi betta fish and female koi betta fish for sale. Our phenomenal galaxy koi betta fish are our best sellers! JV Betta ships nationwide throughout the United States and worldwide!
What to do for a Bloated Koi Betta Fish?
There are 3 issues that can cause bloating in koi betta fish. The most common and treatable is constipation. Constipated fish usually don’t want to eat and you may notice that they aren’t defecating like they normally do. The most common cause of constipation is a poor diet and overfeeding. A lack of exercise can also contribute to constipation in betta fish. Relieve constipation by skipping food for 2 to 3 days. After your betta fish’s fast, offer food with fiber like daphnia, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp. Many betta fish enthusiasts swear by feeding peas, another fiber rich food.
The next common issue, swim bladder disease, is also treatable. If you notice any swimming troubles in addition to a bloated belly, swim bladder is likely to blame. A lack of appetite, lethargy, and a curved back are other symptoms of this disease. Swim bladder can occur due to injury, constipation, parasitic and bacterial infections, and shock. The treatment for swim bladder is often the same as constipation, a 2 to 3 day fast. In the case of shock, correct the issue causing the shock if possible and leave your fish be and allow him to relax. The least likely and most deadly issue is dropsy. Symptoms of dropsy are pinecone scales and a curved spine that curves outward and sideways.
How to Know if Koi Betta Fish Has Ick
The most common symptom of ick is small white spots covering the body of your koi betta fish. Your fish may look as if it is trying to scratch an itch by rubbing on objects in the tank as well. If possible raise the water temperature of your fish’s tank to 85 degrees. Remove carbon from the filter.
Follow the directions of the ick treatment that you choose. If you do not see any improvement within 5 days try treating the tank with salt. Do not add salt directly to the tank. Dissolve 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt (per tank gallon) with warm water into a brine solution. Slowly add the brine over a few hours to allow your fish to acclimate to the salinity.
What Other Fish With Male Koi Betta
A female koi betta can potentially live peacefully with a male betta koi fish, but breeding is likely. So take this into consideration when purchasing a pair of male and female bettas. Also you must have an extra or divided tank in case this pairing is not successful and for when they breed. Make sure the pair is close to the same age and the female is not larger than the male. Never pair two or more male bettas together in the same tank. They are likely to fight and can even die from sparring injuries. A male koi bettas can be successfully housed with passive aquatic and fish species, male or female.
Fish-wise we recommend guppies, neon and ember tetras, cory catfish, harlequin rasboras, plecostomus(plecos), and kuhli loaches. Other good tank mates for male betta fish include african dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp, and zebra snails. Be sure to select an appropriate tank size to suit all of the creatures in your fish tank. The general rule of thumb is to provide 1 gallon for each inch of mature size. So a fish who matures to 2 inches needs 2 gallons of tank space and a fish who matures to 3 inches needs 3 gallons, etc. This is especially important when considering larger fish like plecos.
What do Betta Koi Fish Eat?
Betta fish koi need a high protein diet because they are mainly carnivorous. Siamese fighting fish eat brine shrimp, daphnia, tiny fish, mosquito larvae, and bloodworms in the wild. Betta food pellets are the most accessible food for koi bettas. Premium pellets contain all the nutrients and vitamins a koi betta fish needs. Choose a food that has proteins as the first ingredients, rather than fillers like wheat and corn.
Live food is a great source of food for betta fish, but the risk of parasites and disease is much higher so be sure to choose a very reliable source or learn to raise your own live food. Never overfeed your betta fish. Overfeeding can lead to constipation, bloating, and worse. Feed two to four pellets once or twice a day.
For additional options, browse our Male betta fish, Female betta fish and Giant betta fish collections.