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alien betta

Alien Betta

At JV Betta, we are so excited to add Alien bettas to our premier collection of betta fish. These fish are exotic and extraordinary. Alien betta fish are a hardy variation of betta that combines the traits of wild and domestic bettas. This rare betta is a fun pet with a great personality and intense beauty. 

Alien Betta Fish FAQ

What Are Alien Betta Fish?

Alien bettas are an absolutely gorgeous hybrid variety of betta fish. These hybrid beauties are a mix of a wild betta fish species (Betta imbellis - also known as Peaceful betta or Crescent betta) and a domestic species (Betta splendens). This variety of Siamese fighting fish is new to the scene. They are incredibly rare and generally only available from specialized betta fish breeders. Alien betta fish are usually blue or gray. They typically take on the more narrow body of their wild counterparts and the fins of their domestic cousins.

Where Are Alien Bettas Native to?

Alien bettas are not truly native to anywhere because they are a hybrid that was bred in captivity. The first Alien bettas were bred in Thailand. This is where their Wild betta ancestors are native to, along with Malaysia and Indonesia

What Are the Main Differences Between Alien and Traditional Betta Fish?

Alien bettas are a hybrid betta fish that is a relatively recent addition to the pet betta scene. Traditional bettas (Betta splendens) were first domesticated about 1000 years ago. Aliens are part wild betta so they don’t typically have massive flowy fins or lots of colors on one fish. These pet fish are very similar as far as care and lifespan. It is possible that Aliens could be more healthy overall simply because they haven’t been inbred and overbred like many standard bettas. Alien bettas are difficult to breed and are often infertile so they are much harder to breed than standard bettas. 

How Long Do Alien Betta Fish Live?

These wild betta crosses have the same lifespan as other pet bettas. You can expect your Alien betta fish to live 2 to 5 years with proper care.  

Are Alien Betta Rare?

These spectacular tropical fish are not only a new type of betta fish, but they are only bred by a handful of professional betta breeders. Alien bettas are very rare, unique, and hard to find (although they are becoming more and more popular).

Are Alien Bettas Sweet?

These exotic bettas have similar personalities to other pet bettas. Some may be more territorial and aggressive while others have a sweeter, more laid-back personality. 

Are Alien Bettas a Wild Betta Fish?

Alien betta fish are a hybrid of wild and domestic betta fish. So, they are a mix of wild and domestic bettas. Our Alien bettas are a cross between Betta imbellis (wild) and Betta splendens (domestic).

Where Can I Buy Alien Betta Fish?

You will most likely need to connect with a specialty betta breeder to find these exotic betta fish. If you are looking for healthy well-bred Alien betta fish, look no further. At JV Betta, we have exactly what you are looking for. Order your new Alien betta fish today!

Where to Buy Alien Bettas Online

Buy Alien betta fish online at JV Betta Fish for Sale. Our Alien betta fish for sale are bred with good breeding practices. These fish are healthy, happy, and ready for their forever homes. Our Alien betta fish won’t last long. Order yours today so you don’t miss out. 

How Much Do Alien Betta Fish Cost?

The price for Alien betta fish can be quite high because they are much more difficult to spawn and raise fry than typical bettas. Male Alien betta fish are usually more expensive than females. Scroll down to see our current selection of Alien bettas and their prices. 

What Colors Do Alien Fish Come in?

We mainly carry blue or green alien fish, but they also come in copper, black, brown, yellow, red, and more. We are sure that as this betta breed becomes more and more popular there will be more and more new and exciting colors popping up!

Can Alien Betta Fish Change Color?

Alien betta fish can change color when they are stressed. They may look brownish or their color may be lighter or dull. You may even notice stress stripes when your Alien betta is stressed. Typically a healthy Alien will not randomly change colors like a marble betta fish can. However, you may notice mild hue or brightness changes as your fish ages. 

Do Bettas Recognise Their Owners?

Yes, we think so! While betta fish may not recognize their owners in the same way that mammals do, there is evidence to suggest that they can become familiar with the people who feed and interact with them regularly and even become attached to them. Bettas seem to be able to form bonds with their caregivers and show signs of familiarity and responsiveness to regular interaction. Building a routine of positive interaction, such as feeding and gentle tank maintenance, can help strengthen the bond between bettas and their owners.

Can I Teach My Alien Bettas Tricks?

Betta fish can be trained to do tricks like following your finger, eating from your finger, jumping, and going through rings. Tricks are typically achieved with short daily training sessions using food as a reward. 

Do Alien Bettas Make Bubble Nests?

Yes, Alien bettas, like other varieties of bettas, are known to make bubble nests. Bubble nests are built by male bettas as part of their reproductive behavior. These nests consist of bubbles created by the male betta using air expelled from their labyrinth organ. This unique feature also allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen. Bubble nests are used as a place for the male to house and protect fertilized eggs once breeding occurs. 

Why Does My Betta Fish Build Bubble Nests When I Don’t Have a Female?

Male bettas build bubble nests instinctively, even when there isn’t a female around.  Bubble nest building is part of the male betta's courtship behavior. In the wild, male bettas create bubble nests to attract females for breeding. So, your boy may be hoping for a female. Male bettas also use bubble nests to mark their territory. Certain environmental factors can also trigger a male to build a bubble nest. Some of these possible factors are water temperature, water quality, and light.

How to Know if My Alien Betta Is a Male or a Female?

Here are some tips to differentiate between male and female bettas:

  1. Fin Shape and Size: Male bettas typically have longer, more elaborate fins compared to females. They have larger dorsal fins that are often more pointed, while female bettas have shorter dorsal fins that are rounded. Additionally, male bettas usually have longer and more flowing ventral fins (also known as the "beard" or "feelers") compared to females. Female Alien bettas are typically smaller overall than males (as is the case in most betta fish types).
  2. Body Shape: Male bettas tend to have slimmer bodies, while females are generally broader, especially when viewed from above. This difference is more noticeable in mature bettas.
  3. Egg Spot: Female bettas have a small white spot on their underside near the vent, which is the ovipositor or egg spot. This spot is absent in male bettas.
  4. Behavior: Males are more territorial and aggressive than female bettas, especially towards other males. They may flare their gills and fins and display aggressive behavior more frequently than females. However, individual temperament can vary greatly, and there are female bettas that are aggressive and male bettas that are not aggressive at all.
  5. Coloration: While not a definitive indicator, male bettas often have more vibrant and colorful scales compared to females. However, this can vary depending on the specific breed and genetics.

Alien Betta Fish Care FAQ

How to Care for an Alien Betta Fish

Care for your Alien betta like you would any other betta fish. Be sure they have clean dechlorinated water that is heated and a tank or container that is at least 2.5 gallons in size. Just like other male betta fish, Alien bettas should never be housed with other bettas. Add a hiding spot or two for your new fish. Silk or real plants and decor without sharp edges are ideal. Feed your Alien betta a varied diet that includes a premium pellet food. Bettas should be fed a small amount of food that is no bigger than their eye each day. Feeding this amount over 2 or even 3 meals per day may be beneficial for your pet betta by helping to prevent constipation and bloat. 

What to Feed Alien Bettas?

Start with a premium pellet food that is formulated for bettas. Supplement with some fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, daphnia, and bloodworms. Some bettas enjoy tiny amounts of fruits or vegetables too. 

How Much to Feed Alien Betta Fish

A good rule of thumb is to keep the total amount of food for your betta per day no more than the size of their eyeball. This is because the size of bettas’ eye is about the same size as their stomach.

Are Tannins Good for Alien Bettas?

Natural tannins that come from Indian Almond Leaves are super beneficial for all betta fish, but they are especially good for Aliens. This is because there are tannins in the water where this type of betta lives in the wild. 

Do Alien Betta Prefer Live or Artificial Plants?

We aren’t sure that Aliens prefer live plants over fake ones, but live plants are best for them and the tank ecosystem. Live plants can help improve water quality and add oxygen to the water. In general, live plants are going to be safer for bettas delicate fins too. But if you choose the right artificial plants (silk is a good choice) your fish will have a nice spot to rest and hide and they don’t require any maintenance or special lighting. Bettas can thrive in tanks with live or fake plants so don’t feel like you have to have live plants if you don’t want the extra work.

What Aquatic Plants Are Best For Bettas?

Here is our list of favorite live plants for betta fish. These are all safe for betta tanks:

  • Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum)
  • Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)
  • Anacharis/water weed (Elodea)
  • Anubias (Anubias barteri)
  • Banana Plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
  • Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
  • Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
  • Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
  • Marimo Moss Ball (Aegagropila linnaei)
  • Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala)
  • Vallisneria
  • Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
  • Water Wisteria (Hygrophilia difformis)

Are Alien Bettas Prone to Any Diseases or Health Issues?

Alien betta fish are prone to the same issues that all pet betta fish are. Some common health problems that can afflict bettas are ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate poisoning, fungal Infections like fin rot, parasitic infections like ich (white spot), velvet, and slime disease, internal parasites, and swim bladder disease. Keeping your betta’s aquarium clean and using tannins can greatly reduce the risk of most health issues in betta fish.

How Can I Tell if My Alien Betta Is Stressed?

Stress in bettas can manifest in various ways, and it's crucial to recognize the signs early to address the underlying causes. Here are some indicators that your betta fish may be stressed:

  1. Bettas may become paler or develop dark stress stripes along their bodies when they are stressed. However, it's essential to note that some bettas naturally have dark stripes, so observe any sudden changes in coloration.
  2. Stressed bettas may become less active than usual, spending more time resting at the bottom of the tank or hiding.
  3. If your betta fish exhibits darting or erratic swimming patterns, it could be a sign of stress. They may also exhibit trembling or twitching movements.
  4. When bettas are stressed, they may clamp their fins close to their bodies instead of displaying them fully. This can give them a hunched appearance.
  5. A stressed betta may refuse to eat or eat significantly less than usual. Keep an eye on feeding behavior and monitor food consumption.
  6. Betta fish may flare their gills in response to perceived threats or stress. While occasional flaring is normal, excessive flaring can indicate prolonged stress.
  7. Stress can affect a betta's ability to breathe properly. If you notice your betta spending more time at the water's surface gasping for air, it could be a sign of stress or poor water quality.
  8. In extreme cases of stress, bettas may attempt to jump out of the tank. Make sure your tank has a secure lid to prevent escape.

How Can I Tell if My Betta Is Sick?

You can see many of the same symptoms you see in stressed bettas in sick bettas. The most common symptoms you may notice in sick betta fish are loss of appetite, lethargy, changes in appearance, gasping for air, erratic swimming, frayed fins, visible parasites, unusual fecal material, sitting at the bottom of the tank, and abdominal bloating.

Do Bettas Need a Water Heater in Their Tank?

Betta fish are tropical fish and, therefore, require tropical water temperatures. An inexpensive, but dependable water heater will heat and maintain your fish tank at the appropriate water temperature.

Do Aliens Need a Water Filter?

We recommend a water filter for your Alien betta. While it isn’t necessary to have a filter for betta fish, it is the easiest and best way to maintain a healthy tank for your betta. Just be sure you have the right filter for your tank and your betta. Bettas do not like strong currents, so a filter that puts out a gentle current is best. 

Do You Need to Treat a Betta Fish’s Water?

Yes, because tap water is the best water for bettas (and, generally, the most convenient for owners) you should always treat it with a dechlorinating water conditioner. Water conditioners are important for reducing stress during water changes. Most water conditioners for fish tanks don’t just remove chlorine and chloramines, they also remove heavy metals that are harmful to your fish and help to protect your pet fish’s slime coat. Some specialized water conditioners. even neutralize ammonia for about 24 to 48 hours which further helps to reduce stress on your fish.

How to Properly and Safely Introduce an Alien Betta to a New Aquarium?

If you are setting up a completely new aquarium, it should be cycled for at least two weeks before purchasing your betta fish. There are beneficial bacteria products you can purchase at pet stores that can make this process quicker.

If your tank is already established, introduce your Alien betta slowly to reduce shock. You should “float” your betta for about 15 minutes. Most bettas come in bags or containers with water. Floating means to take this bag or container and put it in your tank, allowing it to float. This allows your fish to get used to the water temperature of its new tank. If you can, floating your fish for up to an hour while adding a little bit of tank water after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 45 minutes can help them acclimate to the water itself as well, not just the temperature. 

When adding Aliens to an aquarium with other fish, be sure to introduce them slowly and closely monitor the interactions between the fish for at least a couple of weeks. Please remember that in most cases, betta fish should not be housed with other betta or similar fish. 

How Can I Keep My Betta Healthy?

The best way to keep your betta fish healthy is by maintaining excellent water parameters. Maintain these parameters with water testing, proper tank cleaning, filter use, and use of a water heater. Adding natural tannins to your fish tank can reduce stress and promote tropical fish health. Tannins are also believed to have antimicrobial properties that can help to prevent and treat some common health issues of betta fish.

What Are the Ideal Water Parameters for an Alien Betta?

Temperature: 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit (~24 to 28 degrees Celcius)

pH: 6.5 - 7.5

Ammonia: 0 ppm 

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: less than 20 ppm

Water hardness: 5-15 dH

How Often Should You Clean Your Bettas Tank?

This varies a lot with the size of the aquarium as well as the filtration system, but on average partial water changes should be performed about once weekly. During these changes, a gravel vacuum/siphon should be used to remove waste and debris from the bottom of the tank. This technique will offer the most thorough tank cleaning during water changes. 

Can Alien Betta Fish Live With Other Bettas?

Male Alien betta fish exhibit strong territorial behavior, making them incompatible tank mates. Similarly, female bettas also display territorial tendencies, albeit less intensely than males. Female bettas, however, can coexist in groups known as betta sororities, although it's crucial to monitor them closely, especially during the initial weeks of introduction. It's preferable to acquire females from the same fry or opt for pre-established bonded sororities, such as those offered by JV Betta Fish for Sale. While male and female pairs may be temporarily housed together for breeding purposes, they should not stay together permanently in most cases.

Can Alien Bettas Live With Other Fish?

Betta fish, in general, are notorious for their aggressive behavior towards other fish, particularly those with long fins or bright colors that they may mistake for rival bettas. Due to their territorial nature, male bettas are typically best housed alone to prevent aggression and stress. However, some male bettas will tolerate tank mates if the tank is large enough, densely planted, and has plenty of hiding spots to establish territories. 

Female bettas are the better choice for a community tank. They can live peacefully with other non-aggressive fish species. However, it's essential to carefully research and select tank mates that are compatible with bettas and provide adequate space and hiding spots to reduce aggression and territorial disputes. When putting any betta in a tank with other fish, always watch the tank closely for signs of aggression and have an extra aquarium ready in case there are issues between fish.

What Are the Best Tank Companions for Alien Bettas?

Various tropical fish species, particularly those that are smaller than bettas and non-aggressive make suitable tank mates for betta fish. Some good choices are neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, otocinclus catfish, kuhli loaches, celestial pearl danios, ember tetras, corydoras catfish, and zebra danios. Although dwarf plecos can grow larger than Alien bettas, they make good companion fish.

Ghost, cherry, and amano shrimp can also be tank companions for bettas, but keep in mind that a hungry betta may eat small shrimp so opt for larger varieties and/or full-grown shrimp. Snails such as nerite snails can be great tank mates for Alien bettas. Your betta won’t care that they are there, and they can help clean your aquarium. African dwarf frogs can also coexist with bettas in the tank has plenty of space. Just monitor closely at feeding time to ensure your betta doesn’t eat all your frog’s food and your frog doesn’t eat your betta’s food. Typically, commercial pellet frog food sinks while betta food floats which MAY help with this issue. Both aquatic creatures enjoy supplemental foods like brine shrimp, live daphnia, and bloodworms. 

How to Breed Alien Betta Fish

Breeding Alien bettas should be left to the pros. Because these pet fish are bred by crossing wild bettas with Betta splendens, many offspring are infertile. Successful spawning and maintaining fry is much trickier with these fish too. This makes ethical breeding a challenge for some who may choose to use cheaper and poor breeding practices. Expect to pay premium prices for quality Alien betta fish because quality breeding is difficult and these exotic pet bettas are much less common than standard pet bettas.

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